Beatrix C. Keim
Director CAR - Center Automotive Research
Beatrix C. Keim: A lifelong China experience
Beatrix Keim had a sense for new opportunities long before the exciting market China became of worldwide importance. She chose to study China Studies and Marketing East Asia. After graduation, Beatrix was employed for almost 20 years by major brands in the automotive industry. She worked for various international OEMs, at the European headquarters and in the local organizations in China. Mrs. Keim’s deep insights into the Chinese market and the automotive business enabled her to take the next step joining the consultancy business.
The desire to stay relevant and expand the scope of responsibility led to a move into the digital industry to a leading provider of CGI (computer generated imagery). She successfully built and expanded the China business. Through the acquisition by Accenture, she eventually became Automotive Lead for Accenture Digital China.
Beatrix Keim returned to Germany mid-2022 and finally joined CAR Center Automotive Research by the end of 2022. She acts in a leading position as Director for Business Development and International Projects.